Bear Tracks is a bi-monthly newsletter produced by RMS PTSA as a benefit to the Redmond Middle School Community. You are receiving RMS PTSA Bear Tracks Newsletter because you are part of the Redmond Middle School Community. If you do not want to receive email from RMS PTSA, you can unsubscribe at any time. Unsubscribe Now |
No School on Oct. 16 / Modified Bell Schedule | RMS Picture Days (Repeat) | Picture Day continues on Wednesday, October 14 from 8am-4pm with time slots given by last name. Make-up day will be on Wednesday, October 21. Students will also be issued a photo ID card on these days. More information was posted on the latest Grizzly Gram. To order online, visit my.lifetouch.com and enter "EVTD2J6MC" as the Picture Day Id. | PTSA Membership Meeting, Oct. 13 | Please join us for the first PTSA Membership Meeting of the 2020-2021 school year on Tuesday, October 13 at 7:00 PM, online, from the comfort of your own home! We will be conducting the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams. Come learn more about what the PTSA is doing for your students at RMS and get to know your fellow RMS parents!
• Principal Greenberg will be our guest speaker for the evening! • The winner of the $25 gift card to Amazon will be revealed! • We will vote on budget changes.Membership Meeting: Tuesday, October 13, 7:00 PMJoin Link: https://tinyurl.com/RMSPTSA-MembershipMeetingOct13Everyone is welcome, members and non-members to all of our meetings! If you'd like to learn more about PTSA meetings, please visit the RMS PTSA Meetings webpage. | PTSA Volunteer Spotlight: Tracey Gauthier | The Volunteer Spotlight is here to recognize those who volunteer at Redmond Middle School. THANK YOU for your amazing dedication and support. We are a better organization because of you! The RMS PTSA shines the spotlight on: Tracey Gauthier Tracey is the Chairperson of Staff Appreciation. She has been busy making sure the Staff know how much we appreciate them, especially this year with the extra challenges of remote-learning. Now it's time to appreciate Tracey! Visit the PTSA Spotlight webpage to read more about Tracey, her background and what she has been doing. Also be sure to check out the article below about the Fence Messages which Tracey creates! | In our quest to continue recognizing and celebrating our wonderful staff, the fence message has been updated two more times on September 27 and October 9. Enjoy these images of changing messages to our wonderful staff by visiting the RMS PTSA Fence Messages webpage. | Save the Date: Donuts with Dana, Oct. 27 | RMS PTSA presents "Donuts with Dana", a monthly, 30-minute meeting with Principal Dana Greenberg, occurring on the last Tuesday of the month. Join us for the first one this year on Tuesday, October 27 at 9:00 AM virtually on Microsoft Teams. Parents can chat with the principal, and other parents about various school topics from the leisure of your own home. Bring your own donuts!
Donuts with Dana: Tuesday, October 27 at 9:00 AM
| New to RMS? Interested in finding out more about RMS PTSA? Watch our brief RMS PTSA Introduction Video as our very own PTSA President explains who we are and what we do! Share the link with friends, family, and neighbors. Video Link: https://flipgrid.com/s/66a9872a8620 | Spelling Bee Registration is Open! (Repeat) | After a successful bee last year, RMS PTSA will be hosting a school spelling bee this year as well. Given the circumstances this year, we will conduct the bee online! Enrollment is open, register now! Registration is $15, and scholarships are available. Registration Closes: Wednesday, November 25, 11:59 PM. Follow the RMS PTSA Spelling Bee website and Spelling Bee Registration to register and to find out the Spelling Bee process and details.
We're also looking for volunteers! If you want to help organize the preliminaries or the finals, please contact spellingbeechair@rmsptsa.org to sign up! | OSPI K–12 Internet Access Program | The K–12 Internet Access Program was announced October 1. It allows students from low-income families to connect to their learning online from home at no cost to them. OSPI will cover the costs of internet connectivity for eligible students for the remainder of the 2020–21 school year. Read the announcement. | Redmond Region Orchestra Boosters | Redmond Region Orchestra Boosters support the orchestra programs at RHS, RMS, and TMS. Join and/or help us out! All families enrolled in orchestra are invited to attend our October 12 meeting at 7:00 PM. Join Link. You can also donate to our organization to be used towards orchestra programs! RSVP by October 12 for our Masterclass Concert. Eat to Support at MOD Pizza on October 14. All RMS, TMS & RHS are invited to the Bella Bottega location for a fundraiser. Must mention "Orchestra Boosters" to have 20% of your meal fund the boosters! Use the code GR162303R to order online! | National PTA is seeking a theme for the 2022-2023 Reflections program year. The student who submits the winning entry will receive $100 and the theme will be presented at the annual National PTA Convention in June 2021. The due date for submitting a theme search entry is Sunday November 1. 2020-2021 Reflections Theme Search Entry Form Scan and submit entries by email to laura.peterson@wastatepta.org. | Park Amenities OpenAll playgrounds, volleyball courts, and basketball courts in the City of Redmond parks are now open for play! A full list of open amenities is available at Redmond.gov/PlaySafe.Poetry from Redmond and BeyondRaúl Sánchez, Redmond's Poet Laureate, is gathering Poet Laureates from across the country to read and share their work with the Redmond Community in a special one-time virtual event on Saturday, October 24. View website for more info and to register. | The Upstanders This IndieFlix documentary is about resilience and the power of connection to end bullying.
Screen in your home from October 12-16. Brought to you by LWSF and local PTSAs. Register Now.Understanding Legacy: Disability Rights History in the US
Tuesday, October 20 from 6:30-8:30 PM. October is Disability History Month! Presented by Eric Warwick, Defending Democracy Fellow for the Western States Center. Join via GoTo MeetingParenting a Child with Special Needs Wednesday, October 21 at 7:10 PM. This is a LWSF Balance In Mind event. For more information, please visit https://www.lwsf.org/youthmentalwellness.Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Event Thursday, October 22, 6:00-7:00 PM. Free, live, online event. View website and Register | |
Bear Tracks Newsletter is produced by RMS PTSA as a benefit to the Redmond Middle School Community. Bear Tracks is edited by Neeta C. Please submit articles via the Bear Tracks Online Submission Form. Articles are due on Thursdays, by 5:00 PM for publication the following Sundays. If you have any questions, please email beartracks@rmsptsa.org. | You received this email because you are part of the Redmond Middle School Community. You may unsubscribe at any time. Unsubscribe from this list
Redmond Middle School PTSA 2.8.80 10055 166TH AVE NE, Redmond, WA, 98052, United States of America | |