Buy your 2020-21 Yearbook ONLINE! Please login to Online Payments Portal to pre-purchase and reserve your copy of the RMS yearbook. Please note, yearbooks are pre-paid and extras in June are NOT guaranteed. NO REFUNDS. If you purchase two books in error, you will receive two books OR you can donate the extra book to a student in need.
Cost: $35
Purchase Deadline: Wednesday, December 9 Questions? Please contact Ms. Poblete at spoblete@lwsd.org or Ms. Morris at kmorris@lwsd.org. | RMS has updated its website and has several useful features for parents and families. Check out the pages with the descriptions below!
Grizzly Gram Archive - Read all the latest editions of the school newsletter. |
High School Planning: 8th Grade families, please visit the "Planning Ahead for High School 2021-2022 in LWSD" flyer to see your student's options for high school, including Choice Schools (see below). Some schools have listed their day/time for their informational sessions. Of note, the Redmond High School Information Session will be on Wednesday, January 13, 2021.
Choice Schools: Choice schools and programs are optional schooling alternatives, created to meet specific needs and interests. Online applications are now available and is due on Friday, December 11, 2020 at 4:00 PM. Choice Schools and programs are open to all students in the district and are enrolled by lottery. More information can be found on the LWSD Choice Schools webpage. | RMS Face Masks on Sale Now! | Official RMS face masks are finally here and on sale now! The winning design from the 2020-2021 RMS Face Mask Design Contest is titled "Grizzly Pride" by Anya L., an 8th grader at Redmond Middle School. Anya writes "My design depicts a student's pride of being a Grizzly and following the Grizzly way." The proceeds of this sale will help supplement hygiene kits to be distributed to RMS families in need. Sales will be open while supplies last!•
Show your Grizzly Spirit during the holidays! •
Support a Good Cause! •
Buy as Gifts for your Loved Ones!
Order Now: https://rmsptsa.org/Page/PTSA/MaskSale Order by Friday, November 13, and get the early-bird pricing of $4.50 per mask! The price goes up to $5.00 per mask after this date! Don't wait, order now!Scholarships: Scholarships for masks are available for any family experiencing financial challenges. No application! Simply choose "scholarship" at checkout. | PTSA Volunteer Spotlight: Subeka Chhabra | The Volunteer Spotlight is here to recognize those who volunteer at Redmond Middle School. THANK YOU for your amazing dedication and support. We are a better organization because of you! The RMS PTSA shines the spotlight on: Subeka Chhabra
With an extensive background in science, we're lucky to have Subeka as one of the co-chairs of the RMS Science Team. She's been busy managing the student teams and coaches this year as it has been especially challenging with COVID-19 and remote-learning. Visit the PTSA Volunteer Spotlight website to read more about Subeka, and how she became involved with the Science Team! | Spelling Bee Information Night, Nov. 18 | Spelling Bee will have a virtual Teams Information Night on Wednesday, November 18 from 7:00-7:45 PM for families who are interested in competing in the Spelling Bee and for those who have already registered. We will go over what your student can gain from this experience, some of the words, and how the written and oral rounds will work in an online format.
Information Night Join Link: https://tinyurl.com/Spelling-Bee-Info-Night Register for Spelling Bee: https://rmsptsa.org/Packet/SpellingBeeReg
Registration Deadline Extended to Friday, December 18, 11:59 PM
The Bee will be conducted online this year and your student can participate from the comfort of their home! The word lists for the bee are available now for all RMS parents and students! Please send us an email at spellingbeechair@rmsptsa.org if you want to look at the lists prior to registering. | Bring Out Your Inner Artist | RMS PTSA is partnering with the The Redmond Academy of Theatre Arts (RATA) to present the Theatrical Outlet Program. Any RMS students looking for a venue to express their inner artist is invited to this 4-week program, working towards an Open Mic Night in December. RMS alumni at RATA will be assigned as a coach and help the students prepare for the performance of their choice (singing, dancing, monologue, playing musical instrument, etc.)
All sessions will be held virtually, including the Open Mic Night. There is no cost to the students to participate. Please fill out the interest survey now to indicate if your student would like to participate! | Save the Date: Donuts with Dana, Nov. 24 | RMS PTSA presents "Donuts with Dana", a monthly, 30-minute virtual meeting with Principal Dana Greenberg, usually on the last Tuesday of the month, alternating between morning and evening times. Parents can chat with the principal, and other parents about various school topics from the leisure of your own home. Bring your own donuts!
Donuts with Dana: Tuesday, November 24 at 7:00 PM
| Just 3 Spots Left on Science Team! (Repeat) | A new team for the Science Olympiad has been formed and there are only 3 spots left! Science Team registration is open again, for one last time, to handle the overwhelming requests we received after the registration deadline. It is now FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED, as we only have 3 spots available! This is your last chance to register for the year 2020-21. Scholarships are available. If you have any questions, please contact scienceteam@rmsptsa.org.Science Team Registration: http://rmsptsa.org/Packet/ScienceTeamReg | Shopping for the Holidays on Amazon? (Repeat) | Donate to RMS PTSA without spending a penny when you shop on Amazon! RMS PTSA is part of the AmazonSmile program for charities, which means "You Shop, Amazon Gives." Simply click on the link below BEFORE your shop and pay and Amazon will automatically make a donation to RMS PTSA equal to.05% of the prices of your eligible purchases. https://smile.amazon.com/ch/91-1098652 It's easy, free to you, and benefits the students at RMS! | New Community Center: On October 22, 2020, City Council unanimously authorized the Mayor to repurpose $15 million allocated for the Redmond Senior and Community Center in the 2019-2020 budget. Learn MoreCelebrate 2020 Redmond Lights: This year's Redmond Lights will celebrate hope, joy, arts, and light while adhering to the State’s Safe Start Plan. With the inability to gather and hold events, the City of Redmond has reimagined Redmond Lights to be a month-long art and light installation at Downtown Park. The installation will be in place from December 4, 2020, to January 3, 2021. Using a free smart phone app, visitors will take a self-guided tour through the experience. Learn MoreRedmond's Future: The community is invited to plan For Redmond’s Future and your input is needed to help build a city that reflects your vision for Redmond over the next 30 years. Visit the Virtual Lobby and help Redmond update city policies. Learn More | Reminder: LWSD Playgrounds Open | All LWSD playgrounds are now open to the public during evenings and weekends. This is in accordance with city, county and state guidance. Playgrounds will be closed to the public during the school day from 8:30 AM- 4:00 PM. Just a reminder that large, organized activities are not allowed. Play is limited to groups of 5 or fewer. Please wear a face covering and keep 6 feet apart. Hands should be washed after play.
| Students in grades K-12 can work with a tutor or find recharge activities, language and reading support. Connect to Zoom online using your computer, tablet or smartphone. Or, dial in using a home phone or smartphone. Visit https://kcls.org/studyzoneplus or View Flyer | Prepare for Winter Weather | Notes from the Backpack Listen to the latest episode of how to handle bullying from both sides from the National PTA website. Bienestar Emocional Para La Familia Monday, November 9. Padres Unidos por la Educación RHS hosts an emotional wellbeing workshop conducted in Spanish by Susana Valencia. View Flyer or More Info
LWPTSA Special Education Group November Meeting Tuesday, November 17, 7:00 PM. Special presentation from the TIES Center which works to support the movement of students with disabilities from less inclusive to more inclusive environments. Zoom Link or dial 253-215-8782 with meeting id: 998 0907 7968 Learn More From Awareness to Action: Understanding Youth Substance Use Thursday, November 19, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. Parents and caregivers can make a big difference, model coping strategies, recognize signs/symptoms, and talk to teens. View Flyer | Register Support Your Child as They Navigate Painful Experiences November 18 at 7:10 PM. This is a LWSF Balance In Mind event. Please visit https://www.lwsf.org/youthmentalwellness for more info.LGBTQ+ Panel Wednesday, December 2, 7:00 PM. Come join for an evening of sharing and learning, find out about supports in schools. RSVP required for this event. View Flyer | |
Bear Tracks Newsletter is produced by RMS PTSA as a benefit to the Redmond Middle School Community. Bear Tracks is edited by Neeta C. Please submit articles via the Bear Tracks Online Submission Form. Articles are due on Thursdays, by 5:00 PM for publication the following Sundays. If you have any questions, please email beartracks@rmsptsa.org. | You received this email because you are part of the Redmond Middle School Community. You may unsubscribe at any time. Unsubscribe from this list
Redmond Middle School PTSA 2.8.80 10055 166TH AVE NE, Redmond, WA, 98052, United States of America | |